UTR: Killer Psyche

  Have you ever wondered what makes a criminal tick? What’s going on in the mind of a murderer? Why a serial killer shows no remorse? Someone who understands that “why” is

UTR: Crime Theories

  Clunky but interesting and sometimes humorous. That is the best way to sum up Crime Theories.  After over two years of writing for Podcast Magazine and listening to dozens, probably over

How Do You Podcast?

Last month, in Part One of this series, we asked our hand-chosen, esteemed true-crime panelists our first question: Why do you “true crime?”  In case you missed it, the panel discussed how

Why do You “True Crime”?

There has been an ongoing discussion and desire within Podcast Magazine® for months now about going a little deeper in our discovery. The Beyond the Microphone features are great, but what if

UTR: CrimeLapse

  It is often said that reality is scarier than fiction. If you don’t believe that to be true before listening to an episode of CrimeLapse, you likely will afterward.  As an

UTR: Villians

  Want to compare real-life mafia-boss Frank Costello with fictional Don Vito Corleone from The Godfather? Want to dig into the similarities of John Wayne Gacy and Stephen King’s It? Or maybe

A Faith-Based True-Crime Podcast?

With the holidays upon us, many of us look deeper at our faith… even calling upon it. For podcasters in the True Crime Category, though, doing so can be a bit more

Letting the Story tell Itself

If you Google “podcast categories,” you’ll invariably be provided a link that, when clicked, reveals a list. It will almost certainly be one that is based upon the segmentation provided by Apple