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UTR: The Dark-O-Motive Podcast - Podcast Magazine®

UTR: The Dark-O-Motive Podcast

1 min read

5 Mics Rating


Okay- this is a fun podcast – even for someone not into machines and things that produce loud sounds or go fast. This is an incredibly well done podcast and an incredibly engaging podcast TO listen to. Brian Lohnes is the host and your history guide to some well known and little known motor events in history. The episodes are well researched and vary in length based on the topic. Interspersed in the episodes are “real life” news reels, interviews and “man on the street” remarks. 

The variety of episodes run from locomotive races to car races to jumbo jets running out of gas mid-flight  to the death defying jump of Evil Kneivel across the Snake River. Brian has the immense talent of putting the listener right there in the moment with the event he’s discussing. There are quite a few podcasts out there that discuss all things motors but few that actually find the unique and weird happenings that Brian has researched. And research he does… listening to the episodes truly gives the listener a deep understanding of the event as well as the logistics of the event. 

If I have to find a negative of the podcast, it’s just that there aren’t enough episodes. As of this publication, there were less than 50 episodes.

But… I’d still give this podcast a 10 if I could… it’s just that good.


February 2022 Issue

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