Is there anything better than a versatile pair of shoes? You know, the ones that are so comfortable that you can wear them casually but also can pull off a nice dinner? Maybe only men have shoes like that.
It’s relevant to podcasting, I promise.
Other People’s Shoes by host Neil Matthews is the podcast version of versatile footwear. Each episode includes Matthews’ insightful and occasionally quirky questions paired with empathetic listening.
For example, Matthews asks guests to reveal their shoe size and favorite brand. The question is simple yet surprisingly intimate. In the same way, Matthews boots up the drama of everyday life by covering topics that seem mundane but are actually deeply moving.
Like finding a great pair of kicks in the discount aisle, Matthews’ approach is special.
Other People’s Shoes tries on a different approach for encouraging empathy each season. Past seasons included identity and exploring what people are searching for. The current season is about “what happened when” and steps through the dates that changed his guests’ lives.
The show publishes reliably on Wednesdays and audio quality is perfect.
Other People’s Shoes creates a space for listening to stories people otherwise don’t share. When the rubber hits the road, we need more empathy and less anger in our country. This podcast will take you down that road.
December 2020 Issue
So honored to be featured.
Woohoo Neil!