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Getting The Most Out Of Podcast Magazine® - Podcast Magazine®
Letter From The Executive Editor - Kelly Poelker

Getting The Most Out Of Podcast Magazine®

8 mins read

So hard to believe it’s already September?!

This past couple weeks we’ve been doing a lot of reflection on the purpose of Podcast Magazine. Who are we? Who do we serve? How can we better engage with our readers? How do we grow our following? How do we bring on the right kind of partners and sponsors to share with our readers? You know, all the typical things business owners ought to be asking themselves periodically – at least annually, in my opinion.

It dawned on me that depending upon how and when you discovered us you may not be aware that we launched Podcast Magazine in February 2020 – under 100 days from idea to issue. We followed the first issue with an official launch party at our bi-annual New Media Summit™ live event in March 2020. Who knew that hours after the launch party our lives, and the world as we knew it, would be shut down– and forever changed. Live events, a major source of our bread and butter, would no longer be happening for what turned out to be much longer than we ever anticipated. 

We’ve risen to the challenges over the last couple years. Podcasting most definitely saw a rise in popularity as the number of shows launched increased. That made the timing even more perfect for Podcast Magazine!

Why Podcast Magazine?

Our mission was (is!) clear in that we wanted to: 1) Support the growth of podcasting; 2) Be in service to you – the podcast fan – by introducing you to the shows, and the hosts who created them, with our in-depth Beyond The Microphone interviews; and, 3) Give podcast fans access to as many shows as possible. We wanted a way to tell you all about the shows you’re not seeing atop the charts. 

We wanted a way for smaller yet very awesome shows to overcome the ascending spiral of the charts… You know, the popular shows backed by big platforms get all the exposure so they continue to grow in popularity because they are the vast majority of the shows that you hear about. We set out to change that by introducing you to the shows you may not have ever heard of, but ought to be listening to. 

How To Get The Most Out of Podcast Magazine

With all the reflecting I’ve been doing, and with all the new subscribers we’ve brought on, I figured why not share what we’re all about and how you can get the most out of Podcast Magazine. 

First and foremost – if you’re not already– Read it! (okay, that seems super obvious, I know) I’m suggesting that you don’t just skip to your favorite category. Read it cover to cover. Truth is, many shows span multiple categories but there can only be one primary category for any particular show. 

Our team of talented writers, whom we refer to as our Category Directors, each cover one of the 19 different Apple Podcasts primary categories. So even though you might be a Comedy fan, you’d be surprised at the number of comedy podcasts you’ll actually find under say True Crime. If you only look at the Comedy section you’ll never discover other amazing shows that you would really enjoy listening to. The same holds true for our Under The Radar independent reviews. 

Plus, many of our interviews include shows that the podcast hosts are listening to, so there’s even more discovery possibilities that extend beyond what you may find on the pages of a single category. 

Then, in each issue, we have our Off the Charts picks (different shows every month!) as well as our ever-popular Hot 50™ chart, which is the only chart determined by fan votes. Even though there are some regulars appearing on the Hot 50 chart, there is always a group of newcomers.  If you have podcasts, you want to recommend others check out, show them a little love by casting a vote at https://PodcastMagazine.com/hot50. You can vote for up to three [different] shows each time, once a day. 

Did you know?

Each month we bring attention to 100 or more podcasts. Amazing, I know!

In each digital issue you have the ability to click right through to any of the shows. Those live links also include our Category Directors who are listed in the front of each issue as well as with each article. Same is true for each of our sponsors and advertisers. All can be reached at the click of a button!

As a lifestyle publication it might be easiest to think of us as the Sports Illustrated or Rolling Stone of the podcast industry. While you may see advertisements and sweepstakes prizes that are targeted toward the podcasters, we’re not focused on that entirely. There is a crossover since podcasters are typically podcast fans, though the reality is that not all podcasters listen to shows other than their own. There are other publications and newsletters dedicated solely to the podcasters. We limit that content to keep Podcast Magazine focused on you – the podcast fan! It’s what makes Podcast Magazine a one-of-a-kind publication.

With that in mind, we also feature cool every day stuff in our Gadgets, Gizmos, and Gear each month. And this year, our Annual Gift Guide will be bigger and better than ever – keep watch for that happening in November. We also have a fun new sweepstakes we’re introducing in September (Hint: It’s not equipment!)

Now that we’ve shared more about us, we’d love to hear from you. Please always feel free to reach out to us at editorial@podcastmagazine.com or anywhere on social @thepodcastmag. Tell us what you love, tell us where we can improve your experience.

We appreciate you!



September 2022

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