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UTR: 911 Calls Podcast with the Operator - Podcast Magazine®

UTR: 911 Calls Podcast with the Operator

1 min read
4 Mic Rating

Many times, the 911 calls shared in a true-crime episode are the most telling part of the show. Other times, it’s the scariest portion. So why not a podcast based on that?! 

That’s what you get with 911 Calls with The Operator. This podcast confirms that reality is scarier than fiction many times over.

Each episode presents and dissects the gripping audio from 911 calls made throughout the world. As with many quality true-crime shows, 911 Calls also provides a service to society. Look no further than the episode which aired on May 2, 2020, especially if you are considering the purchase of a firearm for home protection. 

Just as important, the podcast is very entertaining. While I do believe that true-crime programs have a responsibility to be factual and keep cases in the public eye, they also need to be compelling. Being completely on point but reporting in a monotone voice doesn’t cut it. People tune out and don’t benefit from the information shared. But that isn’t the case with 911 Calls Podcast with The Operator

The banter between The Operator and his junior assistant, Mr. Luna, is often not only engaging, but also down-right humorous. If you are a true-crime fan and looking for a podcast to listen to on that Thanksgiving drive to the in-laws, check out this one.

November 2020 Issue

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