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The 'Coronadote' - Podcasts - Podcast Magazine®
The Coronadote

See, this is where mindset comes in:

Our current situation isn’t a curse.

It’s a major opportunity.

And not just for those stuck in a j-o-b they don’t like. Even if you feel you already have it all, you can still learn more and transform yourself internally with new and concentrated information.

While the majority are glued to the news, being sucked in deeper and deeper into the “entertainment” factor that provides fodder for your conversations with your friends (bad idea), you can choose to free yourself from the life you previously lived.

Many of you may be thinking, “Sure, there are things I want to do differently. But I have kids and bills and no time!” Maybe, there are other excuses popping up to stop your forward progression.

Guess what?

You have never had a break like this in your lifetime, so I suggest taking advantage of it as best you can!

Push yourself just a little further than ever before.

Remember, this is an opportunity, and may never happen again.

This is your chance to fuel yourself with knowledge and high-quality information. I’m talking about the kind that has been tested and tried—not just theories in a book read by some guy standing in front of the room with a fancy degree.

Ten years ago, if something like this happened and a person made a decision to get more educated, he or she would declare, “I’m going back to school!”

But today, learning is more readily available than ever before, making it easier and faster to do so. Literally anything and everything you need from practical applicants is a swipe or touch away.

Podcasts: concentrated doses of powerful information right to your brain from other people who, like you, one day decided to choose differently.

People who chose to follow their calling.

Today, I want to change the way you might think about podcasts.

I have assembled a careful list of the hard-charging, tried, tested, and true podcasts whose hosts are making waves and provoking real thought in our community.

The best part is, most of them worked a j-o-b that wasn’t stimulating, paid no money, and left them craving fulfillment. Others have always done well and continue to do better and better.

This way, no matter which boat you’re in, these podcasts and all-star hosts will fill you with education, entertainment, and inspiration in the upcoming days (or weeks) of shutdowns and quarantines.

And, even if this whole epidemic clears up tomorrow (or has already cleared up by the time you’re reading this article), you can still listen to these podcasts to get educated in real time by real people who are doing amazing things in this world for the people of this world!

Without further ado:

  1. Real Estate Rockstars – Ian Lobas
  2. Reinvention Radio – Steve Olsher
  3. Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do – Thom Singer
  4. The Millennial Leadership Show – Randall Sean Garcia
  5. Spiritual Entrepreneur – Devi Adea
  6. Breakthrough Success – Marc Guberti
  7. Real Estate Investing for Women – Moneeka Sawyer
  8. Save Your Sanity: Help for Toxic Relationships – Dr. Rhoberta Shaler
  9. Awaken Your Alpha – Adam Lewis Walker
  10. Evolving Digital Self – Heidi Forbes Oste
  11. Amazing Women of Power – Raven Blair Glover
  12. Marketing Geeks – Justin Womack
  13. Cool Culture Corner – Ken Bator
  14. Living Regret Free – Gayle Carson
  15. Wickedly Smart Women – Emerald GreenForest
  16. Inspired Conversations – Amy Shuber
  17. Passive Real Estate Investing – Marco Santarelli
  18. Own Your Happiness – Richard Otey
  19. The Mary Goulet Show – Mary Goulet
  20. Dare to Dream – Debbi Dachinger
  21. The Driven Entrepreneur – Matt Brauning
  22. Amplify Your Success – Melanie Benson
  23. The Offbeat Life – Debbie Arcangeles
  24. Diva Tech Talk – Nicole Scheffler
  25. Super Power Kids – Neva Lee Recla

In the spirit of continuous education… happy listening!

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