Storytelling & Escape Rooms

Combine logic, intuition, common sense, fun, and just a bit of fear, and you have the escape- room experience—an activity that grew in popularity over 9000% in the few years prior to

The White Vault

“The following documents and the recordings are a compilation detailing the events of the repair team sent out to Outpost Fristed in Svalbard. In the winter months, storms in Svalbard can reach

1865: When Truth is Stranger than Fiction

“Who is dead in the White House?” I demanded from one of the soldiers. “The president,” he said.  April 15, 1865. President Lincoln is dead, and the country is in turmoil. That

Alba Salix, Royal Physician

Gunther!  What? What’s the matter? Your hair. It’s all snakes. Look in the mirror. Oh, for Heaven’s sakes. Get Alba in here. Getting sick in a fairy-tale world is no joke. Never